2018 – Screenings

Sun 1st July


18.00 – 21.00: Evening Screening Programme (K – 1.56)

Attendance is free for all screenings but booking is required (unless you are a conference delegate): BOOK TICKETS 

PART 1: Three Shorts

  • Where were you in 1992? – Amanda Egbe and Rastko Novaković (2018, video, colour, 15’)
  • Her Name in my Mouth – Onyeke Igwe (2017, HD Video, colour, 6’02)
  • Image Diplomacy – Vladislav Shapovalov (Produced by V-A-C Foundation / Developed within the framework of the Fellowship Program for Art and Theory at Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Innsbruck) (2017, 4k, Colour, 28’ 55”)

19.00 – 19.30: Break

PART 2: Documentary Perspectives of the Videobrasil Historical Collection

Introduction from Dr Gabriel Menotti (Curator and Lecturer at UFES, Vitoria, Brazil)

  • Vera Cruz – Rosângela Rennó, (2000, vídeo, 44′)
  • O espírito da TV  – Vincent Carelli, (1990, vídeo, 18′)
  • Amérika: bahía de las flechas – Ana Vaz, (2016, vídeo, 8′)
  • 1978 – Cidade Submersa – Caetano Dias, (2010, vídeo, 16′)

Mon 2nd July 2018


19: 30 – 21:00: Evening Screening (K – 1.56)  

Attendance is free for all screenings but booking is required (unless you are a conference delegate): BOOK TICKETS 

血指环 (Ring of Fury) with Introduction from Karen Chan (Executive Director, Asian Film Archive, Singapore)

Tony Yeow and James Sebastian, 1973  l  Singapore  l  78 mins

Tues 3rd July 2018


18.00 – 20.00: Evening Screening (K – 1.56)

Attendance is free for all screenings but booking is required (unless you are a conference delegate): BOOK TICKETS 

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

A lecture with moving images – Mark-Paul Meyer (Senior Curator, EYE Filmmuseum, The Netherlands)